Monday, December 12, 2016

[Pescadero, CA] Pescadero State Beach

I want to start off this blogpost by saying, "I wish I did more extensive research before revisiting this beach", but then again, I went there with the mind set of lounging, and to enjoy my company, as well as, the beautiful ocean. So I really don't know how much exploring I would have really done, even if I have known there was more to see besides the beachfront.

However, there is more to this beach than sunbathing, building sand castles and running from ice cold waves, but if you are into those things, the Pescadero State Beach has a mile-long sandy beach full of fun beach activities for you to enjoy. The best part about the beach is that it isn't overly crowded in the summer, especially on at North end of the beach.

There are three parking lots, the north, center, and south lots. The only lot where you need to pay an $8.00 fee is on the North end. This is the parking lot that I usually park at. At this parking lot there is an outhouse, and a path to enter the beach on the outhouses' right hand side. If you do not want to set up camp where the majority of visitors go, this is the path you want to take because it's less crowded along the north end of the beach.

Pescadero State Beach means "the place to fish" is Spanish, so it's not surprising to find people stationed near the cliffs with their fishing poles out.

The beach is extensively geographically. At the south end, the beach is more rocky where you will find tide pools. At the center, you will find a stretch of sand dunes covered in an assortment of succulents plants where it ends with a small, but solid sand-rock complete with a cave. Finally at the north end you come across huge cliffs.

Speaking of cliffs, at low tide a beach becomes visible for visitors to walk along. You can really get close-up and personal with the beautiful cliffs and see some cool shallow caves! It does smell a bit fishy near the caves though.

This beach has everything from sandy beaches to cliffs to tides to an immense amount of driftwood that past visitors had already utilized and built a numerous of wooden forts along the the sides of the sand dunes. So if you want to take a break from the sun, you can just chill in one of these huts. A few are large enough to fit at least three people comfortably. Just be careful of splinters.

So here is what I missed out on in my last visit, but no worries, this is not my last trip here since Pescadero State Beach is one of my best friends' favorite beaches. So I am pretty sure I will be back next year. I guess what I should be writing is what I am planning on doing the next time around.

What I regret missing out on is right across the highway is Pescadero Marsh Natural Preserve, where you will find an entire other ecosystem to explore. Now that I think about it, that place may need a whole separate trip...(note to self, "Go do some research").

Back to the beach, this beach is an incredible, relaxing, clean and beautiful beach. Kids are able to go explore among the sand caves and tide pools, while the parents can enjoy some time laying out on warm sand for some downtime...sigh...downtime is exactly what I need at the moment.

Happy Wandering, Alice.

Click, to learn more about California Beaches!

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